1c. Members of a Cancer Care Team

After a cancer diagnosis, a specific treatment plan is developed for each patient. To create an effective treatment plan, the skills and experience of multiple health professionals is needed. A multidisciplinary cancer care team is established for the patient. 

Hover or tap the cards to learn more about cancer care team members.

a physician with specialized training in creating and interpreting images using x-rays, sound waves, and other imaging
a physician who studies tumor cells under the microscope and diagnoses the type and stage of cancer
Therapy Staff
healthcare professionals who specialize in therapies including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy
Genetic Counselor
a healthcare professional with training in counseling patients on genetic testing, understanding test results, and providing information on genetic conditions
a healthcare professional specializing in creating food plans for cancer patients to ease side effects and provide healthy nutrition
Social Worker
a licensed social worker who helps patients and families with the social, financial, psychological, and family-related concerns associated with cancer diagnosis and treatment
Nurse Navigator
a registered nurse with specialized training in cancer care and coordinating care teams
a surgeon with specialized training in removing cancerous growths and determining the stage of cancer
a member of the clergy who works in a hospital and provides patient support and spiritual counseling
Medical Oncologist
a physician with specialized training in diagnosing and treating cancer
Radiation Oncologist
a physician with specialized training in using radiation to treat cancer
Cancer Patient
the cancer patient is the central member of the team
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